Before 1606 During the lengthy prehistoric era, Stafford’s current land area was covered by an ocean that was inhabited by many types of sea creatures. As the climate changed and ocean waters receded, animals evolved and large dinosaurs and otherland-based life emerged. The first humans were Paleo-Indians.Colonial Settlement
1606 – 1763 The Colonial Period was a time of settlement, discovery, and hardship. This era is marked by European colonization and territorial expansion.The American Revolution
1763 – 1783 As the American colonies grew into a country of their own right, the seeds of democracy were planted and we were soon propelled towards revolution against the British.The New Nation
1783 – 1815 After war with England, the founders focused on establishing a system and place of central government for the new country.National Expansion & Reform
1815 – 1880 Some refer to the early 1800s as the “Era of Good Feelings.” The new nation continued to expand geographically, resulting in political and regional conflicts. This period was also marred by a major recession and violent treatment of Native Americans and enslaved African Americans.Civil War & Reconstruction
1861 – 1877 The Civil War put constitutional government to its severest test as a long debate over the power of the federal government versus state rights reached a climax. The war’s outcome preserved the Union, while releasing the entire nation from the oppressive weight of slavery but was followed by economic devastation in the South.The Rise of Industrial America
1876 – 1900 During the second half of the nineteenth century, the US experienced an unprecedented economic transformation and manufacturing boom. This was marked by the creation of a modern industrial economy, the expansion of corporate America, establishment of national labor unions, and the development of large-scale agriculture.Progressive Era to New Era
1900 – 1929 A range of overlapping issues characterized this era, including labor rights, women’s suffrage, economic reform, environmental protections, and the welfare of the poor, including poor immigrants.Great Depression & World War II
1929 – 1945 The 1920s were called the “Age of Prosperity, but that prosperity ended with the stock market crash in October 1929. The resulting Great Depression lasted until the late 1930s, when demand for goods to support World War II reanimated the US economy.The Post War United States
1945 – 1968 The United States emerged from World War II as a world superpower. At home, though, domestic unrest, protests, and violence related to the Cold War, the civil rights movement, and the Vietnam War led to progressive social change.Modern Stafford
1968 – Present Day The completion of Interstate 95 in the 1960s fueled growth which led to a dramatic increase of Stafford’s population, transforming the county into a bedroom community for Washington, DC.Other Stafford Stories

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