

Modern Stafford New Stafford Businesses

New Stafford Businesses

Colonial Circuits, located in the Hartwood District on U.S. 17, represents the small businesses which have become an economic mainstay for Stafford. About 1,700 smaller businesses provide jobs to Staffordians.

Colonial Circuits

Geico represents one of the substantial businesses which have become an economic backbone for Stafford.



Over 40 national companies are already located within Stafford. They work with over 30 public agencies, military commands and the many government agencies involved in national security.

With a base expansion at Quantico (BRAC), Stafford increased spaces at an area off of Highway 1 near I-95. Now called “Stafford Technology and Research Center at Quantico,” it is just 25 miles south of the Capital Beltway and surrounded by Marine Corps Base Quantico. This site is the nucleus for the region’s high technology employers, contractors and employees. Its tenants include well-known names in the industry: Lockheed Martin Corp., General Dynamics Corp., Computer Sciences Corporation, SAIC, Inc., MITRE, and ManTech International Corporation. The Center’s principal areas of research are expected to be Informatics, Data Sciences and Bio Sciences, particularly as they relate to national Homeland Security, Defense and Intelligence efforts.

Stafford Technology and Research Center