

Civil War & Reconstruction Civil War Stafford's Confederate Year Newspaper Accounts of Skirmish at Aquia Landing

Newspaper Accounts of Skirmish at Aquia Landing

Even though no side came out the decisive winner, the Southerners had a different take of the engagement.  According to an article in “The Fredericksburg News,” dated June 4, 1861, the final result was reportedly limited to the death of a chicken and horse, the destruction of the wharf, and damage to part of the railroad tract and earthworks.  It was reported that two of the Union ships were damaged. However, a reporter for the “Southern Christian Advocate” saw the facts as positive for the Confederacy when he wrote of the battle, “If it takes six hours cannonading with near 600 rounds, from five steamers, to kill an old hen, how long before the South is conquered?”

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