

Civil War & Reconstruction Civil War Stafford's Confederate Year Letter to General Daniel Ruggles

Letter to General Daniel Ruggles

Headquarters Virginia Forces, Richmond, Va., May 4, 1861.

General Daniel Ruggles, Fredericksburg, Va.:

General: Under the authority of the governor of Virginia, by his proclamation of the 3d instant, you are hereby authorized to call out and muster into the service of the State, volunteer companies from Fredericksburg, the counties of Stafford, Spottsylvania, and Caroline, to rendezvous at Fredericksburg; and from the counties of King George and Westmoreland, to rendezvous at King George Court-House. The whole number of companies thus called, including those already in the service of the State and under your command, will not exceed two regiments of infantry and riflemen, two companies of artillery, and two companies of cavalry.

A portion of this force will be assigned to the defense of the terminus of the railroad at Aquia Creek and adjacent country, and the remainder held for the defense of such points on the Rappahannock and Potomac Rivers as may be necessary, or hereafter designated. You will organize troops into regiments, associating together, as far as possible, companies from the same section of the State, and place them temporarily under such officers as may be available until their proper field officers can be appointed by the governor…It is hoped that you will rapidly organize the whole force, and the companies that are best armed and instructed among those that offer will be selected for service. I am, respectfully, your obedient servant, R.E. Lee

(OR, Series I, Volume 2, p 803) Major-General, Commanding

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