

Civil War & Reconstruction Civil War Stafford's Confederate Year Good Behavior

Good Behavior

Good behavior by Confederate soldiers “in their own country” was by no means assured, as evidenced by this letter chiding “certain bad men” from Brig. Gen. Holmes’s headquarters in August 1861:

Head Quarters Dept. of Fred’sburg, Brooks [sic – Brooke] Station, August 2nd, 1861.

Special Order No. 85.

The Commanding Officer is pained and mortified to learn that certain bad men of his command while in Fredericksburg became intoxicated and riotous, greatly to the annoinance and apprehension of the citizens. This is outrageous and shameful, not only unworthy the great cause for which we struggle but is returning contempt and injury to the citizens for a generous charity and devoted kindness to our numerous sick which has scarcely a parallel in the history of war. Commanding Officers of the Regts. and companies are made responsible for the conduct of their respective Regmts. and companies and will see that the order heretofore given regulating passes are strictly obeyed.

By Order Genl. Holmes

H.H. Walker, C.S.A., A.A. Genl

a true copy, D.H. Maury, Adjt. Genl

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