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1056 Matches Found – Page 62 of 88

Thomas H. Johnson

Thomas H. Johnson (1823-1903) married Enfield Honey (c.1829-1889), the daughter of George Honey (died after 1843) of Stafford County, Virginia.  In 1855, Thomas was overseer of the road “from Falmouth and Warrenton Roads one mile above Falmouth to Potomac Run.”  He served as a constable for the Hartwood District from at least 1870 to 1884…

Elliott Thompson Jett

Dr. Elliott Thompson Jett (1869-1940) was the son of Elliott Berryman Jett (1840-1882) and Mary Elizabeth Sullivan of Falmouth.  He graduated from the University of Virginia and did post-graduate work in North Carolina and New York City.  He never married and lived in his parents’ home in Falmouth with a bachelor brother and two sisters. …

Beverley W. Irvine

Beverley W. Irvine was the son of William Irvine (c.1806-1887) of Stafford County, Virginia.  The Irvine family resided at Hartwood, the lovely brick home still standing on the southwest side of Warrenton Road (U. S. Route 17) near Hartwood Presbyterian Church.  Beverley married Betty Lucas Bullard (1835-1891), the daughter of Richard Woolfolk Bullard.  After the…

Elias A. W. Hore

Elias A(llen?) W(aller?) Hore was the son of Walter Hore (1781-1858) and Margaret E. Combs (c.1784-1859) of Stafford County, Virginia.  He was a merchant and fisherman.  In 1870, he purchased the old Dipple plantation located at the junction of Chappawamsic Creek and the Potomac River.  Here he operated a seine fishery and probably a store,…

Dade Hooe

Dade Hooe (c.1808-1881) was the son of Dade Hooe (1757-1837) and Nancy James (c.1760-1833:37) and was born in Prince William County.  From his aunt, he inherited a large tract of land that includes what are now the sites of the Log Cabin Restaurant, the Stafford Regional Jail, and the Route 630/Interstate 95 interchange.  By Hannah/Henrietta…

Alexander Morson Green

Alexander Morson Green (1827-1904) was the son of industrialist Duff Green (179201854) and Eliza Ann Payne (1806-1876) of Falmouth, Virginia.  Alexander was never interested in business or industry and just wanted to farm.  With the help of his father, Alexander purchased Berry Hill and Shepherd’s Green on Potomac Creek upstream from Belle Plains.  He also owned…

Henry Fitzhugh

Henry Fitzhugh (1818-1883) was the son of George Fitzhugh (1784-1881) and Sarah Battaile Dade (1787-1862) of Milton, Culpeper County, Virginia.  He married Jane Elizabeth Downman (1817-1881), the daughter of Joseph Ball Downman (1787-c.1818) of Lancaster County, Virginia.  From her father Jane inherited 726 acres in Stafford County, Virginia.  This land is located on what is…

John F. Farmer

John F. Farmer (1843-1929) was born in Caroline County, Virginia.  He married Mary E. Deshazo (1850-1939) and lived in the White Oak area of Stafford County, Virginia.  He called his farm Potomac View.  In 1910, a friendly rivalry between local farmers produced the following notice in the Free Lance newspaper of Oct. 8, 1910, “To…

Asbury Watson Evans

Asbury Watson Evans (1836-1910) was the son of John R. Evans (c.1799-1873) and was born in Charles County, Maryland.  He lived near Onville in Stafford County, Virginia.  During the War Between the States, Asbury served with the 9th Virginia Cavalry.  In May of 1900, the Stafford Court approved his application for a $15 pension for…

Thomas Alexander Slaughter Doniphan

Thomas  Alexander Slaughter Doniphan (1813-1869) was born in King George County, Virginia, the son of Joel T. Doniphan and Alice S. Slaughter.  While living in Stafford County, Virginia in 1834 he served as a deputy sheriff.  By 1839, Thomas A. S. Doniphan was residing in Natchez, Mississippi where he employed himself as a merchant.

Frederick Dent

Frederick Dent (1848-1918) was often called “Fed” or “Federal” Dent.  He was the son of Scott Dent (c.1820-1874) and Sophie Guy of Stafford County, Virginia.   Frederick married Sarah E. Knight (1840-1918), the daughter of Lewis K. Knight (c.1820-1893).  He partnered with his brother-in-law, Capt. Wesley Knight (1846-1937), in the timber business, the shipping for…

Walter E. Corson

Walter E. Corson (c.1849-1924) lived on the Washington Farm (now Ferry Farm) in Stafford County, Virginia.  In May 1903, “lightning struck and set fire to a large new barn on the Corson Farm, in Stafford county, just across the Rappahannock River from the lower end of [Fredericksburg].  In a short while the barn with its…