

Civil War & Reconstruction Civil War Second Union Occupation Stafford Homes Used by Union

Stafford Homes Used by Union

“Concord,” one of Stafford’s oldest houses, was contemporary with George Washington’s boyhood home. Originally a Waller family home, in 1859 it was sold to the MacGregors, who fortuitously remained during the First and Second Federal occupations. Because of their presence, Lieutenant E. D. Muhlenburg, Battery F, 4th U.S. Artillery, purchased wood by a government promissory note from the MacGregors in March 1863. A partial receipt lists, “170 cords oak wood at $8.00 a cord, 203 cords pine wood at $6.00 a cord, and 2,700 white oak and [pine] rails making over 150 cords at $7.00 a cord” (total $3,628.00). Livestock may have been purchased as well (part of receipt is missing). The place was nevertheless picked clean of animals, except one pig.  In 1900, the MacGregors unsuccessfully made their claim. As a minimum, demonstrating wartime Union loyalty was required for reimbursements.

Lieutenant E. D. Muhlenburg

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