

The New Nation Birthstone of the Nation Woodlawn, Mount Vernon, VA

Woodlawn, Mount Vernon, VA

As a wedding gift, George Washington presented granddaughter Nelly Custis and nephew Lawrence Lewis with 2,000 acres.  Included in the tract was Gray’s Hill, an area the president marked off as “a most beautiful Site for a Gentleman’s Seat.”  The couple stayed at Mount Vernon until after the death of both General and Mrs. Washington.  While living there, their new home, named Woodlawn, was built upon Washington’s suggested site.  In 1802, the Lewises moved into the house; however, it was not completed until 1805.  Woodlawn was designed by Dr. William Thornton.  Woodlawn has Aquia stone trim.  It can be seen in sills and lintels of the windows and doors, and basement coping.  Lawrence Lewis was familiar with Aquia stone, for it was also used in his childhood home in Fredericksburg, Kenmore.