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The Rise of Industrial America

National Expansion & Reform

The American Revolution

Colonial Settlement


Brent Family

William Brent

William Brent (1733-1782)—the son of Capt. William Brent (1710-1742) of Richland, Stafford County. In May 1757 William became a justice for Stafford but in October 1765 he resigned in protest of the Stamp Act. Shortly thereafter, he resumed his office as justice and served until his death. In 1776 William was elected one of two…


The Indians of Virginia grew a type of tobacco that was not enjoyed by the English settlers in Jamestown, for it was very bitter. It also did not appeal to the market in England. John Rolfe (c. 1585 – 1622), who was one of the early settlers, wanted to introduce to the European market a…

Taxes and Tithes

Tobacco as Currency Prior to the American Revolution, paper money and coins were in extremely short supply and tobacco was routinely used in place of cash. This versatile plant, then, was exported, smoked, and served as currency. Colonial Virginia produced a variety of goods, chiefly pitch, tar, turpentine, iron, lumber, hogshead and barrel staves, shingles,…

Robert Brent

Robert Brent (1764-1819)—was the son of Robert Brent (1730-1780) and Ann Carroll (1733-1804). Robert was born at Woodstock in Stafford and, like his father and brother, was involved in the cutting of sandstone from Brent’s/Government Island in Aquia Creek. He was a judge of the Orphan’s Court in Washington and paymaster of the army. Thomas…


Through centuries of Western Civilization members of Royalty have not always brought honor to their noble offices nor filled their subjects with pride in their accomplishments. Virginia’s Princess, daughter of its most powerful native chieftain did both. Born to one of the almost one hundred wives of Powhatan, the little Metoaka was an instant favorite…

Music and Dance

George Washington was said to be a good dancer. His mother taught him to dance when a small boy at Ferry Farm. Colonial Period Music, Dance, and Games Music and Dancing link takes you to directions for dancing the Minuet. Games and Leisure link describes games and activities that colonial children played as well…