

The Rise of Industrial America Charles Adams Bryan

Charles Adams Bryan

Charles Adams Bryan (1849-1918)—was born in Maryland and came with his parents to Stafford around 1858 and lived at Ingleside just outside Falmouth. After the Civil War, Charles’ father, Richard H. Bryan, lost his farm and the family moved to Stafford Courthouse. Their house stood very near the Fas-Mart across from the courthouse. From 1885-1906 Richard Bryan served as a magistrate for the county and held several other offices, as well. In 1869 Charles became deputy clerk of the court; he was just 20 years old. In 1887 he became clerk of the court and remained in that office until 1910. Charles and his wife, Margaret N. Morton, operated a boarding house and served meals to people doing business at the courthouse. Both Richard and Charles Bryan were known for their unfailing integrity and their tireless efforts to help people. Because of their efforts, a black family was able to keep their land, which likely would have been lost had the Bryans not intervened.