

Civil War & Reconstruction Civil War First Union Occupation Soldier Letter from Stafford

Soldier Letter from Stafford

This letter is written by a German-American soldier who was serving in Stafford overlooking Fredericksburg.  His letter, written phonetically, shows what the common soldier went through during this First Federal Occupation.

May 15th, 1862, Virginia Staford Co., Camp Near Falmouth

Dear Cousan,

As i have a fue lasur [leisure] moments to write to let you no that i am well at presant and hope that these fue lines will find you and all the rest the same.  i wrote to you onse before but did not resieve a ansswer so i came to the conclosion to write again.  whe have had some pirty heard times sinse i wrote to you last.  whe left  Camp pierpont one the 10th of March and whe have been marching from one plase to another sinse whe left there and whe had some bad weather reigning the half of the time.  there are about 20 of our men in the hospitle and sick report it was very unhealthy all spring but thank god i had no raisin to complain yet fore i in very good health ever sinse i left home.  whe are now nere the raihanoe  [Rappahannock] about one mile from fredricksburg.  there are a great many weomen and children here but the men are most all gone and ther is not much of a union feeling amung them.  they do not like the yankey very much. they would tare down the stars and strips if they would dare but i think that the rebles are almost plaid out.  whe back at manasis i was ont one the bull Battle ground. it is a great site to be seen there Dear ema i hope to see you all be fore meny mont pasis over our heads onse more for i think that it is almost done out. at least our Captain sase that whe will get our discharge be fore long. i hope that whe may fore i long to see you all again. i must Close fore the Presant  fore i do not no wat to write fore you get more news about the war then whe do. so i must bid you good By fore the presant. my love to you and all the rest of the family. write soon.

From your Cousan Morgan Bahn

Please Direct your letter Cop G first Pa artilary,  in care of Cap Barns forward to McCall’s Division, Washington D.C. _______ Personal letter to Miss Emma Gultzbach, Hellam Post, York County, Pennsylvania, from Private (?) Morgan Bahn, Company “G,” 1st Pennsylvania Artillery.

Collection of Albert Z. Conner – SCHS