Born 1827 - Died 1904
Alexander Morson Green (1827-1904) was the son of industrialist Duff Green (179201854) and Eliza Ann Payne (1806-1876) of Falmouth, Virginia. Alexander was never interested in business or industry and just wanted to farm. With the help of his father, Alexander purchased Berry Hill and Shepherd’s Green on Potomac Creek upstream from Belle Plains. He also owned property on the north side of Potomac Creek just west of old Potomac Church and near Brooke. There’s some evidence suggesting that he resided for some years near Brooke in Stafford County, Virginia. In 1851, he was overseer of the road “from Potomac Church to first ford at Ferneyhough’s farm.” In 1858 he was overseer of the road “from Potomac Run to Hopewell Meeting House.” In 1853, Alexander M. Green was captain of the “Potomac Church” company of the 45th regiment of Virginia militia. He had a large family by a woman he enslaved, Nancy Ross (c.1839-1924), who is buried with some of her family on the outskirts of Brooke. During the Civil War, Alexander served with the 9th Virginia Cavalry. He died at Effingham in Prince William County, Virginia, the home of his nephew, Allen Howison Green (c.1868-1928) and was buried there.