
Frances Benjamin Johnston in Falmouth

Thursday, September 19th 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

with Connie Hilker.

Frances Benjamin Johnston, an American photographer and photojournalist, had a career spanning nearly fifty years. She is renowned for her portraits, depictions of southern architecture, and photographic series of African Americans and Native Americans from the early twentieth century. In 1928, she exhibited photographs which included many of the buildings in Falmouth.  This program compares those images with views of the same location today.

Connie Hilker has always been fascinated by plants and history.  Connie currently volunteers to manage the documentation, preservation and restoration of the historic rose collection at Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, Virginia; as the rose consultant for the Center for Historic Plants at Monticello in Charlottesville, Virginia; and President of the Stafford County Historical Society.  She can often be found visiting cemeteries, house museums, and old home sites; traveling and presenting programs about rose history, care and propagation; or quietly working in her own garden.


This presentation will be recorded and posted to Facebook and the Discover Stafford “Past Presentations” portion of the events page.