

Stafford County, Virginia is a “burned record” county. About two-thirds of our court records were lost to deliberate fires during the Civil War, making family and historical research in Stafford County a challenge. The Stafford County Historical Society is happy to help you with your queries pertaining to the people and places of Stafford County. Please use the form to the right to submit questions, and please be as specific as possible. If researching people who lived in Stafford County, birth dates and/or death dates are very helpful.

NOTE: Please keep in mind that our researchers are volunteers, not paid employees, and all research is done in their spare time.  They love to help and enjoy doing the research for you, but cannot respond to requests to be called.   All responses are done via EMAIL.   Please be patient and we will do our best to accommodate you.  

Genealogy / Historical Records Request Form

Please provide as much detail as possible.
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