Born 1746 - Died 1794
Ketura Barret (1746-1794) was the illegitimate daughter of Sarah Barret of St. Paul’s Parish, now King George County. Ketura had an illegitimate son, Thomas Con(a)way Barret (1779-1825), by Thomas Conaway whose name was included in a 1785 business ledger from the town of Aquia in Stafford. Ketura then moved in with Charles Porter (c.1729-1788) who lived on and cut freestone from the Rock Rimmon quarry on Aquia Creek. She never married Charles, but by him had five known daughters. After Porter’s death, Ketura married Robert Miller who may also have been a quarryman. Nothing is known of Miller, but at Rock Rimmon Ketura has a beautifully inscribed gravestone naming her as Mrs. Ketura Miller, wife of Robert Miller. Thomas Conaway Barret inherited Porter’s quarry. He changed his name to Thomas Barrett Conway and continued cutting freestone there.