

Civil War & Reconstruction Trail to Freedom John Washington's Time with Union Soldiers

John Washington's Time with Union Soldiers

Washington’s own words describe his time with the Union troops in Falmouth:

“They [Union soldiers] insisted on my going up to their camp on the hill, and continued to ask all kinds of questions about the ‘Rebs.’ I was conducted all over their camp and shown every thing that could interest me. Most kind attention was shown me by a Corporal in Company H 21st * New York   Volunteers. He shared his meals and his bed with me and seemed to pity me with all his manly heart. His name was Charles Ladd*. But our acquaintance was of short duration a few weeks thereafter the army advanced and had several skirmishes and I never seen him again.”

Washington stayed with a group of free blacks and soldiers at the home of Eliza Butler and her eight children in Falmouth.

(*Charles F. Ladd survived the war and died in 1900. He was actually in Company H, 30th New York Infantry in Augur’s Brigade. The 30th New York Infantry was later reorganized as the 2nd NY Veteran Cavalry before being mustered-out in 1865 in Alabama.)