Interactive Map
Marker Information
Map Information
Stafford African American Heritage Trail
Virtual Reality Experience
Voices of Stafford
Additional Resources
Historical Society
Keepers of the Knowledge
Artifact Donation
Donor Dashboard
Recurring Donations
Interactive Map
Marker Information
Map Information
Stafford African American Heritage Trail
Virtual Reality Experience
Voices of Stafford
Additional Resources
Historical Society
Keepers of the Knowledge
Artifact Donation
Donor Dashboard
Recurring Donations
Story Tags
Story Tags
110th Pennsylvania infantry - 2
150th Pennsylvania Infantry - 1
19th Massachusetts Infantry - 1
20th Massachusetts regiment - 1
3rd Division - 1
4-H - 1
40th Virginia Infantry - 1
47th Virginia Infantry - 4
55th Virginia - 1
7th Michigan Infantry - 2
7th Wisconsin Infantry - 1
84th New York Infantry - 2
9th Virginia Cavalry - 4
A.M. Birdsong - 1
Abbott - 1
Abner Boubleday - 1
Abolition - 4
Abraham Lincoln - 10
Abram Howard - 1
Absalom Smith - 1
Accakeek Farm - 1
Accokeek - 1
Accokeek Creek - 4
Accokeek Iron Furnace - 1
Accokeek Iron Works - 1
Accokeek Run - 1
Adams & Co's Express - 1
Aerodrome - 1
African American - 23
Air Wardens - 1
Alart and McGuire Pickle Company - 1
Alexander Graham Bell - 1
Alexander Scott - 1
Alfred Waud - 1
Algonquin - 2
Ambrose Burnside - 1
Ambulance - 1
Ambulance Corps - 1
American Revolution - 5
Amoroleck - 1
Amy’s Café - 3
Andrew Chapel - 1
Andrew Johnson - 1
Andrew Walker - 1
Andrew Weaver - 1
Ann Howard - 1
Anna Maria Sarah Goldsborough Fitzhugh - 1
Anne E. Moncure - 2
Anne E. Moncure Elementary School - 1
Anthony Burns - 3
Anthony Burns Elementary School - 1
Anti-Federalist - 2
Anuran - 1
Apphia Sanford - 1
Aquia - 7
Aquia Church - 13
Aquia Creek - 27
Aquia Episcopal Church - 1
Aquia Freestone - 32
Aquia Harbour - 2
Aquia Landing - 35
Aquia Run - 1
Aquia Stone - 4
Aquia Tavern - 2
Archaeornithominus - 1
Ariel Foote - 1
Arkendale - 1
Arkose Sandstone - 1
Army Corps Badges - 1
Arsenal - 4
Articles of Confederation - 3
Artifact - 31
Artist - 2
Ashby’s Tavern - 1
Aspen Grove - 1
Augur - 1
Augustine Washington - 4
Austin Ridge - 1
Austin Run Mining Company - 1
Axe - 3
Bacon Rebellion - 1
Balloon - 2
Barnes House - 2
Baseball - 4
Basil Gordon - 1
Bayonet - 1
Beardslee - 1
Belfair Mills - 1
Bell View - 1
Belle Plain - 10
Belle Plains - 2
Bellehaven Missionary Baptist Church - 1
Bells Farm - 1
Belmont - 4
Benjamin Bussell - 1
Benjamin Franklin Stringfellow - 1
Benjamin Harrison - 1
Benjamin Henry Latrobe - 1
Berea Camp - 1
Berea Church - 3
Berea School - 1
Berry Hill - 1
Bethlehem Baptist Church - 3
Bettle Paul - 1
Betty Lewis - 1
Bill H.R. 5553 - 1
Bill of Rights - 2
Bishop’s Garden - 2
Black Flag - 2
Black Scout - 1
Blackouts - 1
Bloomington - 3
Blue Book - 1
Blysdale Farm - 1
Board - 1
Boscobel - 1
Brent - 10
Brent Cemetary - 1
Brent Island - 3
Brent Point - 1
Brent Town - 1
Brenton - 1
Brentwood - 1
Brent’s Island - 2
Brent’s Mill - 2
Brent’s Point - 5
Bridge - 2
Brooke - 4
Brooke Packing Company - 1
Brooke Pickle Factory - 1
Brooke Road - 2
Brooke Station - 3
Brooke’s Mill - 1
Brower Mine - 1
Brown’s Auto Court - 3
Buck Woodard - 1
Bummer Cap - 1
Bureau of Military Information - 1
Bureau of Refugees - 2
Burnside Manor - 1
Bus - 1
C&O Canal - 1
C.D. Green - 1
CCC - 1
CSS City of Richmond - 1
Caldwell - 1
Camp Clifton - 1
Camp Stafford - 1
Camps - 1
Canal Boat - 1
Cape Henry Lighthouse - 1
Capitol - 1
Captain Pickett - 1
Carlton - 3
Carlyle House - 1
Carter - 1
Catholic - 2
Catholic Settlement - 1
Cavalry Corps - 1
Cave’s Warehouse - 1
Cedar Hill Farm - 1
Census - 1
Chappawamsic - 3
Chappawamsic Creek - 3
Chappawamsic Farm - 1
Chappawamsic Formation - 1
Chappawamsic Swamp - 2
Charles A. Morganfield - 1
Charles Adams Bryan - 2
Charles Augustus Morgan - 1
Charles Carter - 1
Charles Duff Green - 1
Charles Jones Green - 1
Charles M. Manly - 1
Charles Morton - 3
Charles Suttle - 1
Charles Teasdale - 1
Chatham - 17
Chatham Bridge - 1
Chatham Manor - 1
Cheese - 1
Chelsea - 2
Chief Japazaws - 1
Chief Wahanganoche - 1
Child Labor - 1
Chopawamsic - 1
Chopawamsic Creek - 2
Chopawamsic Farm - 1
Chopawamsic Island - 1
Christ Church - 1
Christmas - 1
Christopher Augur - 1
Church - 21
Church of Virginia - 2
Church of the United Brethren in Christ - 1
Churchill Jones - 1
Cipher Wheel - 1
Civil Rights - 2
Civil War - 202
Civilian Conservation Corps - 1
Clara Barton - 3
Clearview - 2
Clerk of the Court - 1
Clerk's Office - 1
Clermont - 1
Clifton - 3
Clifton Chapel - 2
Clifton Fishery - 1
Clothesline Telegraph - 2
Clovis - 1
Clovis Point - 1
Coal Landing - 4
Coal Trips - 1
Coasters - 1
Colonial - 38
Colonial Forge High School - 2
Community Civil Patrols - 1
Concord - 4
Confederate - 2
Confederate Signal Corps - 3
Confederate Spy - 1
Confederate Troops - 1
Confederate Year - 2
Congressional Cemetery - 1
Conrwallis - 1
Constitution - 3
Constitutional Convention - 1
Continental Army - 2
Conway - 1
Conway Colony - 3
Conway Elementary School - 1
Copperhead - 2
Corinne Melchers - 2
County Rationing Board - 1
Court Minutes - 1
Courthouse - 1
Crows Nest - 4
Crucifix - 1
Crucifix Monument - 1
Curtis Dickenson - 1
Dabney - 2
Dabney Walker - 1
Dance - 1
Daniel Butterfield - 1
Daniel Ruggles - 5
Danielle Moretti-Langholtz - 1
Declaration of Rights - 1
Depression - 16
Desegregation - 1
Dinosaur - 1
Dipple - 2
Districts - 1
Dixon Warehouse - 1
Doc Stone Shopping Center - 2
Dorothea L. Dix - 1
Dr. Frank Speck - 1
Dr. Helen Roundtree - 1
Dragon Dix - 1
Dred Scott - 1
Duck Hunting - 1
Ducking Club - 1
Duff Green - 5
Duncan - 1
Dunmore Gwinn - 3
Eagle Gold Mine - 1
Eagle Mine - 2
Eagle's Nest - 1
Ebenezer Methodist Church - 1
Economics - 1
Eddie Brook - 1
Edge Hill - 1
Edmo Corbin Lee - 1
Edrington Farm - 1
Edward Smith - 1
Edwin Stanton - 1
Eleanor Roosevelt - 1
Eliza Gwinn - 4
Elizabeth Allen Ford - 1
Elizabeth Allen Hore - 1
Elizabeth Howard - 1
Ella Rower - 1
Ellen Craft - 1
Ellen Harris - 1
Ellis store - 1
Elm Factory - 3
Emancipation Proclamation - 1
Emergency Fleet Corporation - 1
Encampment - 1
Enslaved - 37
Eolambia - 1
Epidemic - 1
Episcopal Church - 1
Eric Foner - 2
Escadrille Club - 1
Eskimo Diner - 3
Eskimo Hill Road - 1
Espionage - 1
Eustace Conway Moncure - 1
Evelyn McWhirt - 1
Excelsior Brigade - 1
Expansion - 37
FBI - 1
Falmouth - 47
Falmouth Baptist Church - 1
Falmouth Bridge - 2
Falmouth Elementary - 1
Falmouth High School - 2
Falmouth Manufacturing Company - 1
Falmouth Truslow Road - 1
Falmouth Warehouse - 1
Farmers and Merchants Bank - 1
Federal Convention - 1
Federal Division - 1
Federal Potomac Flotilla - 1
Federalism - 2
Federalist - 2
Fer-Sul Company - 1
Ferry Farm - 7
Ferry Farm Elementary - 1
Fielding Lewis - 1
Fire Department - 2
First Black Regiment - 2
Fish - 1
Fishery - 1
Fishing - 1
Fitzhugh - 1
Fitzhugh Lee - 1
Flag - 1
Fleurrys - 2
Flight - 1
Flood - 2
Flour Industry - 1
Fool’s Gold - 1
Forge - 3
Fortress Monroe - 1
Fountain Peyton - 1
Francis h. Smith - 1
Frank Hill - 2
Frank White - 1
Franklin Mine - 1
Frederick Douglas - 1
Free Bridge - 1
Freedmen’s Bureau - 3
Freestone - 5
Frigidaire - 1
Fugitive Slave Act - 1
Games - 2
Gari Melchers - 1
Garrisonville - 8
Garrisonville Elementary - 1
Gateway to Freedom - 2
Gateway to West - 1
General Cooper - 1
General Meagher - 1
General Store - 1
George Bayard - 1
George Brent - 7
George Mason - 9
George McWhirt - 1
George Sharpe - 1
George Storck - 1
George W. Richardson - 1
George Washington - 11
George Washington Stone Corporation - 5
George Wilson - 1
Georgeanna - 1
Geri Melchers - 1
Germanna Community College - 1
Giles Brent - 7
Glencairne - 2
Gold Mining - 13
Goldvein - 2
Golgotha Church - 1
Gordon Green Terrace - 1
Gothic Revival - 1
Government Island - 26
Governor - 1
Grant - 1
Greencoat - 4
Grover Cleveland - 1
Gun - 1
Gun Factory - 1
Gunston Hall - 3
Gwinn - 1
Gwyneth Griffin - 1
Gwyneth's Gift - 1
Gwyneth's Law - 1
H. R. 5553 - 1
H.H. Poole School - 1
Hampstead - 1
Hannah Coalter - 1
Hartwood - 6
Hartwood Elementary - 1
Hartwood Elementary School - 1
Hartwood House - 2
Hartwood Manor - 2
Hartwood Presbyterian Church - 1
Hawkins Stone - 1
Hector Sears - 1
Henrietta Fitzhugh Farm - 1
Henry Baxter - 1
Henry Box Brown - 1
Henry Fitzhugh - 1
Henry Thompson - 1
Henry Wise - 1
Herman Haupt - 1
Hickory Hill - 1
Highland Home - 1
Highland House - 1
Hiram Berdan - 1
Hobby School - 1
Hogshead - 1
Holiday Inn North - 1
Hollywood - 1
Hollywood Farm - 1
Hollywood Hotel - 1
Home Demonstration - 1
Home Industries Market - 1
Homes - 12
Hooker - 2
Horace Crutcher - 1
Horine Mining Company - 1
Horsepen Mine - 2
Hospital - 1
Hotel Virginia - 2
House Joint Resolution No. 150 - 1
House of Burgesses - 2
House of Delegates - 4
House of Representatives bill - 1
Housing - 1
Hugh Adie - 3
Huguenot - 1
Hull's Memorial Baptist Church - 1
Hunter Iron Works - 9
Huts - 1
Hypsilophodon - 1
I95 - 1
Ice - 1
Iguanodon - 1
Indian - 7
Industrial - 12
Industry - 8
Ingleside - 1
Interracial Marriage - 1
Irish Brigade - 1
Iron Brigade - 1
Iron Industry - 1
Iron Works - 4
Irvin McDowell - 1
J. Horace Lacy - 1
J. Marshall Porter - 1
J.E.B Stuart - 1
Jail - 2
James Garrard - 1
James Harmon Ward - 1
James Horace Lacy - 1
James Hunter - 7
James Madison - 2
James Nelson decker - 1
James Tutt - 1
James Vass - 1
James Waller - 1
James Wren - 2
Jamestown - 1
Jane Gray - 1
Jaquelin Meredith - 1
Jefferson Davis Highway - 1
Jeremy Gilmer - 1
Jethro Kloss - 1
Joan W. Peters - 1
Joe Jett Armstrong - 1
John A. Dahlgren - 1
John Brockenbrough - 2
John Brown - 1
John Carlyle - 1
John Carroll - 1
John De Baptist - 2
John Francis Mercer - 1
John Gibbon - 1
John H. Suttle - 1
John Hobby - 1
John Howard - 1
John Lee Pratt - 3
John Letcher - 2
John Marshall - 1
John McComb - 1
John Mercer - 3
John Moncure - 2
John Moncure Daniel - 1
John Mosby - 1
John Norton Dishman - 1
John Richards - 1
John Rolfe - 3
John Smith - 3
John Strode - 1
John Taliaferro Brooke - 1
John Tayloe III - 1
John Taylor - 1
John W. Ford - 1
John Waller - 1
John Washington - 4
John Watson - 2
John Waugh - 1
John White - 1
Joseph B. Ficklen - 4
Joseph Hooker - 3
Joslyn Art Gallery - 1
Jr. - 1
Judson Kilpatrick - 1
Julia Foote - 1
Julia Whiting - 2
KKK - 1
Kate Waller Barrett - 2
Kenmore - 2
Kings Highway - 1
Kittamagund - 2
Kittamaquad - 2
Klu Klux Klan - 1
Knight Motor Company - 1
L'Efant - 1
Lacy House - 12
Ladies Sewing Group - 1
Lake Mooney - 1
Langley - 2
Lark Stone - 1
Laurel Hill - 1
Laurel Spring - 1
Lawrence Lewis - 1
Lawrence Sanford - 1
Lawrence Washington - 1
Lawyer - 1
League of Women Voters - 1
Lee Mine - 1
Leeland - 1
Leeland School - 1
Leonard A. Jones - 1
Letter - 12
Lightner store - 1
Lincoln - 1
Little Falls - 2
Little Forest Baptist Church - 1
Little Whim - 1
Littrell Homestead - 1
Lloyd O. Forbush - 1
Locust Grove - 1
Love's Tavern - 1
Lucy Ann Walker - 1
Lucy Carter Fitzhugh - 1
Lyndale Farm - 1
Macgregor - 1
Magistrate - 1
Mahaskohod - 1
Mallows Bay - 1
Manahoacs - 1
Manahoc - 2
Map - 2
Marble Hill - 1
Margaret Brent - 5
Margaret Stone Daniel - 1
Margaret Ursula Waller - 1
Marine Corps Base - 1
Mariner Cross - 1
Marion K. Lowry - 1
Marlborough - 4
Marlborough Point - 7
Marsena Patrick - 2
Martin Van Buren - 1
Mary Brent - 4
Mary Lamb - 1
Mary Walker - 2
Mason - 2
Massadonia Baptist Church - 1
Massawteck - 1
McDowell - 1
McGuire pickle factory - 1
McWhirt Store - 1
Medal of Honor - 1
Melchers - 1
Mercantile - 1
Merchantile - 1
Metoaka - 1
Michael R. Strobl - 1
Militia - 1
Mill - 3
Miller Store - 1
Millionaire - 1
Mills - 3
Millvale - 1
Mine Road - 1
Minister - 1
Miss Rosie - 1
Missouri Mills - 1
Modern - 15
Moncure Conway - 12
Moncure Conway House - 1
Monroe Mine - 1
Montague - 1
Montgomery Slaughter - 1
Monumental Church - 1
Mosquitoes - 1
Motel - 1
Mount Airy - 1
Mount Hope - 1
Mount Hope Baptist Church - 1
Mount Olive - 1
Mount Olive Baptist Church - 2
Mount Vernon - 1
Mount Zion Baptist Church - 1
Mountain View Road - 1
Mud March - 4
Mulberry - 1
Muont Vernon - 1
Music - 1
Musket - 1
Myrtle Grove - 1
Nancy Ross - 1
Nathaniel Waller Ford - 1
National Portrait Gallery - 1
Naval Battle - 1
Naval Cutlass - 1
Naval Mine - 1
Navy - 2
Negro Rule - 1
Nelly Custis - 1
Nelson Berry - 1
New Deal - 1
New Hope Mine - 1
New Nation - 37
New National Era - 1
Nitre and Mining Bureau - 1
Norman Hall - 1
Norman's Service Station - 1
Nutt - 1
Oak Grove - 1
Oak Grove Baptist Church - 2
Oak Grove Court - 1
Oak Grove School - 1
Oakenwold - 1
Oakley - 2
Occupation - 3
Odd Fellows Lodge - 1
Old Dominion Pyrite Company - 1
Old Hotel - 1
Oliver Howard - 1
Oliver Otis Howard - 1
Onville - 2
Order - 2
Order Books - 1
Ordinary - 1
Oronoco - 1
Overlay - 1
Overwharton - 1
Overwharton Parish - 5
Oxon Run - 1
O’Bannon House - 1
P. T. Barnum - 1
PITV - 1
Paleo-indian - 4
Palmer Hayden - 2
Park Farm - 1
Patawomeck - 2
Patawomeck Indian Tribe - 1
Patent Office - 1
Patowmack - 1
Patrick Henry - 2
Paul Milde - 1
Peace - 3
Peace Democrat - 2
Peoples Bank - 1
Percy Pondexter - 1
Peter Vivian Daniel - 2
Peyton Cole Hedgeman - 1
Peyton’s Ordinary - 1
Philip st. George Cocke - 1
Phillips House - 1
Picket Duty - 1
Pierre G. T. Beauregard - 1
Pierre L’Enfant - 1
Pig Iron - 4
Pilgrim Steps - 1
Piscataway Creek - 1
Pistol - 1
Planters Bank - 2
Pocahontas - 3
Pontoon Bridge - 2
Poplar Road - 1
Poplar Settlement - 1
Port of Falmouth - 1
Porter Farley - 1
Post Office - 1
Post War - 9
Potawomeck - 1
Potomac - 1
Potomac Church - 3
Potomac Creek - 8
Potomac Creek Bridge - 1
Potomac Flotilla - 5
Potomac River - 14
Potomac Silk Farm - 2
Potomac Steamboat Line - 1
Potowomac - 1
Powhatan - 1
Powhatan Confederacy - 1
Powhatans - 1
Prehistoric - 5
Presbyterian - 1
Presidents - 1
Princess Agnes Salm-Salm - 1
Principio - 1
Principio Iron Company - 1
Pris-King Mine - 1
Progressive - 24
Prohibition - 2
Protestant - 2
Providence - 1
Providence Church - 1
Provost Guard - 1
Provost Marshal Office - 1
Puritian - 1
Pyrite - 1
Quaker - 5
Quantico - 2
Quantico Marine Base - 3
Quarry - 4
R. G. Hilldrup - 1
RF & P Railroad - 6
Radio - 1
Railroad - 3
Railroad Station - 1
Ramoth - 1
Ramoth Baptist Church - 2
Rappaha - 1
Rappahannock - 1
Rappahannock Forge - 4
Rappahannock Mine - 2
Rappahannock River - 19
Rattlesnake Mine - 1
Rattlesnakemine - 1
Ravenswood Mill - 1
Rebel Steamer Page - 1
Reconstruction - 5
Rector - 1
Rectory - 1
Red Top - 1
Redoubt #10 - 1
Refrigerator - 1
Relic - 1
Religious Tolerance - 2
Restaurant - 1
Retirement - 1
Revolution - 21
Revolutionary Convention - 1
Revolutionary War - 6
Richard Cassius Lee Moncure - 1
Richard Featherstone - 1
Richard Sears McCulloh - 1
Richland - 10
Ridgeway Farm - 1
Rifle - 3
Robert Brent - 1
Robert Campbell Rodgers - 1
Robert Dunbar - 3
Robert E. Lee - 5
Robert Gould Shaw - 4
Robert Mills - 1
Robertson Quarry - 2
Robertson Towson House - 1
Rochambeau - 1
Rock Rimmon - 2
Rockdale - 1
Rodney Thompson Middle School - 1
Roosevelt - 1
Rose Greenhow - 1
Rosebuck - 1
Rosedale - 1
Rotunda - 1
Route 1 - 4
Route 17 - 2
Rowan - 1
Rowser - 1
Rowser Building - 2
Rufus King - 2
Russ Sullivan - 1
SAC - 2
SEAL - 1
SPY - 1
Safe-House - 1
Samuel Gridley Howe - 1
Sandstone - 3
Sanford Farm - 1
Sanford-Burgess Slave Quarter - 1
Sarah Brent - 1
Sarah Grigsby - 1
Saving Stamps - 1
Sawmills - 1
School - 17
Scott's Bridge - 1
Scout - 1
Scribbler - 1
Secret Line - 4
Secret Service - 7
Segregation - 2
Senator - 1
Sharpshooter - 9
Shelton Cottage - 1
Shelton Shop Road - 2
Sherwood Forest - 2
Shiloh Baptist Church - 1
Shotgun - 1
Sickle - 2
Silk - 1
Simeon Chancellor Peyton - 1
Smith Mine - 1
Smith Reservoir - 2
Smithfield Mine - 1
Snellings - 1
Snowden - 1
Solomon G. Willis - 1
Solomon Northrup - 1
Somerset - 2
Split Rock - 1
Sports - 2
Spotted Tavern - 2
Spring Dale - 1
Springfield - 1
Sr. - 1
Stafford Airport - 1
Stafford Athletic Club - 2
Stafford County School Board - 1
Stafford Courthouse - 3
Stafford Elementary - 2
Stafford Heights - 1
Stafford High School - 2
Stafford Hospital - 1
Stafford Mine - 1
Stafford Rangers - 2
Stafford Springs - 4
Stafford Store Baptist Church - 1
Stage Coach Inn - 1
Stanstead - 1
Steamboat - 2
Steamer - 1
Stone Landing - 1
Stoneman’s Railroad Station - 1
Stone’s Mill - 1
Stratford Hall - 1
Stribling - 2
Sturgeon - 1
Suffrage - 1
Sully Watson - 1
Supervisors - 1
Supreme Court - 1
Surgeon - 4
Surgeon Kit - 1
Surgery - 1
Susannah Fitzhugh Knox - 1
Suttle - 1
Sword - 3
T. Benton Gayle - 1
Tacketts Mill - 1
Tavern - 1
Taylor Home - 1
Teacher - 1
Telegraph - 1
Telegraph road - 3
Telephone - 2
Temperance Tavern - 2
Tennessee Infantry - 1
Texas Brigade - 1
Textile Industry - 1
Thaddeus Constantine Montague - 1
The Crow - 1
The Curb - 1
The Farnum - 1
Theophilus Holmes - 5
Thomas Collyer - 1
Thomas Conway Waller - 1
Thomas H. Williamson - 1
Thomas Holmes Williamson - 1
Thomas Jefferson - 2
Thomas Knox - 1
Thomas Ludwell Lee - 2
Thomas Nelson - 1
Thomas Towson - 1
Thomasina Jordan - 1
Three Sisters Mine - 1
Tidewater - 1
Timber Logging - 1
Toll Bridge - 1
Toluca and Fredericksburg Telephone Company - 1
Torrey Smith - 1
Train - 2
Traveller’s Rest - 2
Treasury Building - 1
Tuppence - 1
U.S. Capitol - 3
USS Anacostia - 1
USS Pawnee - 2
USS Powhatan - 1
USS Reliance - 1
USS Resolute - 1
USS Thomas Freeborn - 1
Underground Telegraph - 1
Union Bell Baptist Church - 2
Union Church - 7
Union Units - 1
University of Mary Washington - 1
Uriah Johnson - 1
Uriah Knight - 1
VCI - 1
VRM - 1
Valley Forge - 6
Victor Menache - 1
Victory Garden - 1
Virginia Constitution - 1
Virginia Convention - 2
Virginia Council on Indians - 1
Virginia Declaration of Rights - 2
Virginia Gold Belt Company - 1
Virginia House of Delegates - 1
Virginia Monument - 1
Virginia National Guard - 1
Virginia Reserve Militia - 1
Virginia units - 1
Virtual Reality - 1
Vowles’ Ordinary - 1
WPA - 1
WW I - 1
WW II - 4
Walker Legion - 1
Walker Peyton Conway - 1
Walker’s Inn - 1
Wallace - 2
Waller - 2
Walnut Hill Farm - 1
Walt Whitman - 3
Walter A. Plecker - 1
Walter Lee Watson - 1
War of 1812 - 2
Warehouse - 1
Warrenton Road - 4
Wawaset - 1
Weapon - 3
Wesley Knight - 1
Western Pyrite Company - 1
White House - 3
White Oak - 4
White Oak Civil War Museum - 1
White Oak Primitive Baptist Church - 1
White Oak Road - 1
Widewater - 19
Widewater Elementary School - 1
Wiggarton's Mill - 1
Wiggington Island - 1
William Allason - 1
William Bate - 1
William Brent - 1
William Brooke Jr - 1
William C. Beale - 1
William Craft - 1
William Dunning - 1
William Fitzhugh - 3
William Force - 1
William Garrard - 2
William Henry Fitzhugh - 1
William Henry Harrison - 1
William Huntsman - 1
William James Howell - 1
William Johnson - 1
William Kerr - 1
William Lamb - 1
William Richards - 1
William Todd - 1
William Washington - 1
William Weedon Cloe - 3
Williams Ordinary - 1
Windmill Point - 1
Windsor Forest - 1
Withers Waller - 5
Womens March - 1
Woodcutting - 1
Woodland Period - 1
Woodlawn - 1
Woodstock - 4
World War I - 1
World War II - 3
Wyman White - 2
Yelverton Peyton - 1
York Johnson - 1
Yorktown - 1
agriculture - 1
anderson trading post - 1
asldkfjasldjkf - 1
automobile - 1
barter - 1
blacksmith - 1
bog ore - 1
books - 1
boundary marker - 1
corduroy roads - 1
dredging - 1
excursion - 1
farming - 1
ferry - 1
flour - 1
furnace - 1
granite - 1
health food - 1
highway - 1
iron - 1
motorcycle racecourse - 1
mural - 1
national cathedral - 1
pickle - 1
religious freedom - 1
reviews - 1
roads - 3
soy - 1
spy center - 1
stores - 1
tithe - 1
tobacco - 2
traceries - 1
trail to freedom - 2
vestry - 1
water chestnut - 1
wharf - 1
Principio Iron Company
Todo: add description, image
Augustine Washington
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