Welcome to
Discover Stafford

Stafford County spans more than 400
years of significant contributions in the
building of our nation.

We invite you to explore the stories we
know, add the stories not yet told, and
stay engaged as we celebrate and
Discover Stafford together!

Stafford Stories

Explore the stories and images of Stafford County. These stories are part of the history of a county, then a state, then a nation. It’s all connected. Stafford’s stories are America’s stories.


Explore and experience Stafford’s history during the Revolutionary War period using Virtual Reality.

Historical Figure of the Week

William S. Monteith

Born 1855 – Died 1903

William S. Monteith lived near and was a member of Bethel Baptist Church. He held a a few public offices in Stafford County, Virginia, but made his living as a farmer and fisherman. He was a constable for the Falmouth District in 1885 and 1886. William was also Deputy Clerk of Court in 1885. In April 1903, William S. Monteith carried to Fredericksburg “a lot of fish and terrapins to the market here to-day, in which were several diamond back terrapins, which are not often seen in this market. They are in great demand in Washington and Baltimore, where the dish made from them is considered a rare delicacy. These diamond backs were caught in Potomac Creek in a net with fish” (Times Dispatch, Apr. 2, 1903). William was the brother of Amos K. Monteith and died of Bright’s disease (kidney failure).

History in Stafford

Explore the past with our interactive historical map, featuring artifacts and locations throughout history. Zoom in to discover more information and click on markers to learn more about specific time periods and places.

Get Involved

Discover Stafford is looking for volunteers for our upcoming events and projects. If you can spare some time to help out, it would be greatly appreciated. Even just a few hours can make a big difference.

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Come Join Us!

Langley Aerodrome Experience

Thursday, May 16th 6:00 PM – 8:00 AM

Anne E. Moncure Elementary School Mural

Thursday, June 20th 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Program to be announced

Thursday, August 15th 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM